


Thanks for visiting my attempt at sharing how I use my Cricut die cutting machine for Sunday School projects. I started out with the Cricut personal cutter and really enjoyed it. But as I started getting more and more ideas for Sunday School (in addition to using it for my scrapbooks!) I really wanted the larger Expression. After speaking to the Pastor (aka my sweet husband), he told me it was fine to go ahead and order the Expression. He said he thought the church could probably buy it, but I didn't want to do that, because then if I used it for personal projects I would feel guilty. So he kindly agreed that I could buy the Expression. What a nice man!

The rest is history. I have had so much fun creating learning tools and decorations for Sunday School. I really think I have used the Expression way more for Sunday School than for my scrapbooking hobby!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bible ABC Train

We've been attempting to learn a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet.  With this in mind, I created a Bible ABC Train to decorate the hallway with a verse on each train car.

I used the train on MY COMMUNITY, but there are several other cartridges with trains that you could use, including B is for Boy, Boys will be Boys, Carousel, Everyday Paperdolls and Learning Curve, to name a few.

Using as 12 x 12 mat, cut out the engine blackout using fit to page, and then use that size for all of your other cuts.  This will make your remaining cars and caboose proportional with the engine.

I used the MICKEY FONT cartridge for my lettering, because it is bold and easy to read.

The remaining cars have the appropriate letter on the tongue of the car.  I typed each verse on cardstock, printed them out and adhered them to each car.  

I had the whole shebang laminated and then used plastictac to stick the cars to the walls.  My public library will do laminating very reasonably, much much cheaper than the copy shop.

Finally, here is the train going down the hall.  Not the best photo, but hopefully, you get the idea.

Thanks for visiting my humble blog.

1 comment:

  1. Peggy what a great idea! I'll share this idea with a Sunday school teacher.
