


Thanks for visiting my attempt at sharing how I use my Cricut die cutting machine for Sunday School projects. I started out with the Cricut personal cutter and really enjoyed it. But as I started getting more and more ideas for Sunday School (in addition to using it for my scrapbooks!) I really wanted the larger Expression. After speaking to the Pastor (aka my sweet husband), he told me it was fine to go ahead and order the Expression. He said he thought the church could probably buy it, but I didn't want to do that, because then if I used it for personal projects I would feel guilty. So he kindly agreed that I could buy the Expression. What a nice man!

The rest is history. I have had so much fun creating learning tools and decorations for Sunday School. I really think I have used the Expression way more for Sunday School than for my scrapbooking hobby!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Again!

I woke up to a winter wonderland AGAIN!  So, I guess it's not too late to share this bulletin board I made last winter, using the season cartridge, SNOW FRIENDS.

1 comment:

  1. Peggy I like this poster! I have the cart so I can ask one of the the SS teachers if they would like one made for them. Next snow time!
